Aspectos metodológicos de la evaluación de la eficiencia de la política
social regional en la superación de la orfandad social
Methodological aspects of assessing the efficiency of regional social policy in
overcoming of social orphanhood
Sergey V. Babakaev
, Olga S. Kulyamina
, Evgeniya M. Bronnikova
Marina V. Vinogradova
& Valentina P. Leonova
Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia
Orcid ID:
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Recibido: 13 de febrero de 2020 Aceptado: 17 de julio de 2020
Entre las cuestiones metodológicas de estudiar el problema de la orfandad social, un lugar
importante está ocupado por la búsqueda de marcadores efectivos para evaluar la dinámica, por
un lado, y la efectividad de la política social para superar la orfandad social, por el otro. Ese
intento de evaluar sistemáticamente la escala y la gravedad del fenómeno, así como los factores
clave que determinan su dinámica. Sin embargo, estos enfoques no nos permiten identificar la
conexión entre el trabajo social y la dinámica de mejorar la situación con la orfandad social en
la región. El estudio presentado propone un nuevo modelo para evaluar la dinámica de la
orfandad social. Su diferencia con otros enfoques metodológicos es que el énfasis principal está
en evaluar la orientación del complejo de cambios en los procesos de identificación, colocación
de huérfanos y cancelación de decisiones sobre su transferencia a las familias. Este modelo nos
permite evaluar el papel de la política social en la superación de la orfandad social. En este
modelo, desarrollamos métodos de autor para clasificar las regiones de Rusia por la dinámica
de los indicadores integrados en el índice de "auspiciosidad" de los cambios en la orfandad
social. Además, el autor presenta un modelo que evalúa la situación en la región desde el punto
de vista del "índice de eficiencia del apoyo social" para superar la orfandad social. Los modelos
utilizados para evaluar la dinámica de la orfandad social se han probado como una herramienta
para identificar marcadores clave de la eficiencia de la política social.
Palabras clave: investigación metodológica, orfandad social, política social, metodología de
evaluación, apoyo social.
Correspondencia al autor
Apuntes Universitarios, 2020: 10(4), octubre-diciembre
ISSN: 2304-0335 DOI:
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Among the methodological issues of studying the problem of social orphanhood, an important
place is occupied by the search for effective markers for assessing dynamics on the one hand,
and the effectiveness of social policy in overcoming social orphanhood on the other. That
attempt to systematically evaluate the scale and severity of the phenomenon, as well as the key
factors that determine its dynamics. However, these approaches do not allow us to identify the
connection between social work and the dynamics of improving the situation with social
orphanhood in the region. The presented study proposes a new model for assessing the
dynamics of social orphanhood. Its difference from other methodological approaches is that the
main emphasis is on assessing the orientation of the complex of shifts in the processes of
identifying, placement of orphans and canceling decisions on their transfer to families. This
model allows us to assess the role of social policy in overcoming social orphanhood. In this
model, we developed authoring methods for ranking the regions of Russia by the dynamics of
indicators integrated into the "auspiciousness" index of changes in the social orphanhood. Also,
the author presents a model that assesses the situation in the region from the point of view of
the "social support efficiency index" to overcome the social orphanhood. The models used to
assess the dynamics of social orphanhood have been tested as a tool for identifying key markers
of the efficiency of social policy.
Keywords: methodological research, social orphanhood, social policy, evaluation
methodology, social support.
The search of the ways of the valid evaluation of the social work efficiency to overcome
social orphanhood in the regions are relevant methodological problem. The search for adequate
methods and tools for measuring two key processes and trends depends on its decision. First,
the dynamics of the development of social orphanhood (Orphanhood in the regions of Russia,
2018). Secondly, the determination of the conformity of the social policy pursued in the region
with the scope and content of the problem of social orphanhood (Reznichenko et al, 2018).
Thus, the methodological issues of solving this problem includes two main aspects. On the one
hand, the identification of the dynamics of social orphanhood, on the other hand, the search for
the main markers of the focus of social policy (Gudarenko, 2014). Currently, there are a number
of approaches determining the scale and dynamics of social orphanhood, within which a system
of social indicators has developed the aspects of a negative social phenomenon (Sushko, 2017).
However, the authors of the approaches acknowledge the limitations in the use of ratings based
on aggregate indicators of social orphanhood (Orphanhood in the regions of Russia, 2019).
The first limitation is that the ratings only allow us to demonstrate the scale of the
problem of social orphanhood in the region and do not allow us to assess the effectiveness of
the regional state policy to overcome social orphanhood. The second limitation is that the rating
of a region reflects only its place in comparison with other regions in terms of the scale of
manifestation of social orphanhood. Even if it's indicators improves, it may still fall back due
to the fact that other regions have had higher average in overcoming of the social orphanhood.
The third limitation is the use of the official state statistics. The official statistics, as a result of
the interagency approach, are characterized by some inconsistency between the categories and
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2020: 10(4),236 - 251
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
different interpretations in the use of indicators and methods for measuring them. Our approach,
based on state statistics, is aimed at overcoming the first two restrictions. This was achieved in
three ways. First, give a rating of the regions based on the shifts that have occurred in terms of
improving the situation. Secondly, to develop a new regional index of the effectiveness of social
policy in terms of overcoming social orphanhood. Thirdly, by means of the opportunity to
conduct a comparative analysis of the index values reflecting favorable shifts in the situation of
social orphanhood and the index fixing the effectiveness of social policy in terms of creating
favorable conditions for overcoming social orphanhood.
The novelty of the study is in implementation the approach to the study of the problem
of social orphanhood in a new way, the regions are classified and ranked according to the
“auspiciousness” index of the development in situation of social orphanhood (Kvon et al, 2017;
Zaitseva et al., 2018). Basically, most studies examine the situation of orphanhood from with
the severity of the problem. The novelty of the approach is in the new methodology for assessing
the combination of available statistical data that reflects the processes and phenomena, by
different aggregation of different indicators and empirical referents.
The new approach to aggregation of various indicators of social orphanhood dynamics
is based on the desire to isolate the aspect of the research area that has not yet been studied.
First of all, to determine the place and role of social policy in the region. Social policy is
considered as a key factor in the localization of the problem of social orphanhood, which
determines the dynamics of the development of this process. Achieving this goal of the study
will allow us to identify hypothetical growth points and drivers of social development that
determine the positive direction of shifts in solving the social orphanhood's problems.
The relevance of the study is the need for a tool to assess the development of the situation
at an early stage of the growth of negative tendencies. As such a tool, it is proposed to use the
“auspiciousness” index of social orphanhood dynamics of indicators with a subsequent
assessment of the situation by the index of the effectiveness of social policy. Therefore, the
practical significance of the approach lies in the ability to recognize the problem of social
orphanage at an early stage.
The theoretical and methodological basis of a new approach to assessing the
effectiveness of social policy in overcoming of social orphanhood is the concept of anomie. It
explains the phenomenon of social orphanhood by the dynamics of the modern life, which
contributes to the breakdown of social connections and institutions, including family relations
(Roche, 2019; Miranda, Tadros & Molla, 2020). As a result of the growth of anomie in society,
social orphanhood increases (Vasilieva & Frolova, 2019; Maribel & Roger, 2018; Lukina &
Trifonova, 2018). The reasons for the appearance of social orphanhood, as well as the position
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(4),236 - 251
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
of orphans in society, if we consider them as a part of theory of anomie, require an integrated
approach to explanation and solution (Eremina, 2014; Lukina & Trifonova, 2018; Manerova &
Markina, 2018; Cooley et al., 2020).
Therefore, the basis of the methodological requirements for the study of this
phenomenon is a holistic systematic approach to identifying ways to localize social orphanhood
with a set of measures related to a social policy. In this theoretical and methodological context,
public policy aimed at overcoming social orphanhood, in our opinion, should be considered in
a wide social context (Istomina, 2018; Tazik, et al 2019). It is necessary to conduct an unified
social policy designed to minimize the consequences of the anomicity of modern society.
Currently, the approach to solve the problem of social orphanhood is narrowed. The main
research attention does not go beyond the scope of direct measures to identify, arrange social
orphans and provide social support to poor families and people in difficult situations. At the
same time, other activities of social policy having a direct impact on the development of the
situation with social orphanhood in the region, often not enough researched (Manerova &
Markina, 2018; Palibina, 2018; Chursina & Rodina, 2018).
During the construction of a new model for assessing the dynamics of the situation with
social orphanhood, the following main research tasks were solved:
the main indicators of the dynamics of the processes in three blocks of problems of
social orphanhood are fixed (the emergence of orphans; the placement of orphans;
the return of orphans), fixing the positive (favorable) vector of development of the
situation with social orphanhood;
the Russian regions were classified and ranked according to indicators reflecting the
dynamics of the development of the social orphanhood with their further
stratification by clusters (groups) depending on the identified trends and the general
vector of its development;
11 regions representing the main clusters (groups) of the development of the social
orphanhood were selected for a more detailed analysis and testing of the new
approach. Further, a comparative analysis of the influence of factors on the
dynamics of development based on a desk study was carried out.
points of growth and drivers of social development are determined on the basis of
verification and selection of scientific hypotheses that express connections between
different characteristics of the object and the subject of research.
Thereupon, the object of the study is the process of developing a new method for
determining the dynamics of changes in the situation in Russian regions with social orphanhood
(the time period 2015-2018), aimed at identifying the main shifts in the development of the
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2020: 10(4),236 - 251
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
situation. The focus of the discussion of this method is aimed at the possibility of its application
and determining the validity of the results.
The subject of the research is the sequence of constructing a research model for
classifying regions and identifying the main conditions and factors affecting the processes under
study, as well as possible growth points and drivers of social development, contributing to an
improvement of the social orphanhood.
The construction of new models, the assessment of auspiciousness of shifts with social
orphanhood, and the effectiveness of social policy are based on typical indicators used in
statistical reporting forms (Russian Regions. Socio-economic indicators , 2017). Data sources
are the Federal state statistics service (2019) of the Russian Federation (Diagram Analysis the
state of the protection of children's rights in the region) with the exception of demographic
indicators (the proportion of children in each region); statistical reporting form No. 103-RIK,
responsible for collecting information: the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian
Federation, and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation since 2018 (Summary
reports on the form of federal statistical observation No. 103-RIK 2018 for Russia and the
subjects of the Russian Federation, 2019).
Approaches, general concept and the main
hypotheses of the study
The main criteria and indicators of the "tension" of the situation are variables reflecting
different aspects of the situation with orphanhood, including:
children in need of a family arrangement . The indicators of the total number of
orphans and children left without parental care who are not brought up in the family
(blood, foster care, adoption) are recorded in the children's data bank;
the placement of children in families. This indicator reflects the proportion of
children who are transferred to families (returning to blood parents, taken under
guardianship or adopted) in the same year in which they were left without parental
cancellation of family transfer decisions. This indicator shows the number of
children whom decisions on adoption or guardianship are canceled for in the
reporting year;
return of children to blood families. This indicator shows the number of cases
related to the elimination of the reasons for restriction or deprivation of parental
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2020: 10(4),236 - 251
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
To assess the severity of the situation with social orphans, the reporting form No. 103 -
RIK of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is used (Summary reports on the
form of federal statistical observation No. 103-RIK 2018 for Russia and the subjects of the
Russian Federation, 2019; Dehdar, et al 2019).
The importance of this approach is in an objective vision of the scale of social
orphanhood in the country and in each federal region based on the construction of aggregated
indixes by a set of indicators. It allows to rank regions according to the severity and scale of
manifestations of social orphanhood, to evaluate the dynamics of indicators. However, this
approach has several limitations. In particular, it does not allow to capture the positive systemic
shifts that occur in the development of the situation, to identify the turning points (bifurcation
points) of its improvement in order to detect the main drivers of social development related to
the localization of this problem. Therefore, the concept of the study is based on the classification
and ranking of regions by the quality of systemic changes in the development of the situation,
which allows us to evaluate the favorability of changes.
The main hypothesis of the study is that regions in a favorable zone of shifts in social
orphanhood, in comparison with relatively unfavorable regions, will be characterized by a
higher social support efficiency index. Confirmation of this hypothesis may mean the existence
of a direct link between the social policy in the region and shifts in the situation of social
orphanhood. The following hypotheses were put forward:
in the underfunding of social policy regions, where social support for families,
mothers and children is low, there is a high probability that the region will be in an
unfavorable zone of changes in the situation of social orphanhood;
in the regions where families in difficult life situations do not receive proper social
support, the risks of negative dynamics of social abandonment will be higher;
the aggravation of the problem with orphanhood will be observed in the regions
where social support for motherhood and childhood is poorly conducted,
insufficient assistance to the protection of children rights is provided;
the living arrangements for orphans, the problem of the return and the appearance
of orphans will be more pronounced in the regions where the social support policy
is less implemented. This concerns governmental support for parents and family;
legislative support of the rights of child; ensuring governmental standards for key
indicators children's quality of life; support for the activities of youth and children's
organizations by the state.
Conducting of methodological study and testing the hypotheses is based on the study of
the practical implementation of regional social policies aimed at supporting of motherhood and
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2020: 10(4),236 - 251
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
childhood, protecting the rights of the child based on the social support efficiency index.
A way to assess the dynamics and identify turning points in the
development of the situation with social orphanhood to
calculate the “auspiciousness index
The methodology for assessing the dynamics of the situation with social orphanhood
includes a sequence of operations implemented in five main stages.
At the first stage, a list of indicators of the main aspects of social orphanhood dynamics
is formed. The dynamics indicators of the identification of orphans I, the placement of
identified orphan P, and the cancellation of transferring a child to a family decisions "C" is
calculated for Russian Federation and its regions from the following basis:
"I" - the percentage of children without parental care identified during the year in
the total number of children living in the region (0-17 years old);
"P" - the percentage of the children placed in families, including returned to parents,
in the total number of identified children left without parental care;
"C" - the percentage of canceled decisions of transfer a child to a family, in the total
number of the placed children.
At the second stage, these indicators are transformed into points depending on the
favorable (positive) or unfavorable (negative) direction of development of the situation with the
dynamics of this indicator. A point value of + (plus) one point get indicators of positive
dynamics of the situation. A point value - (minus) one point get indicators negative dynamics
of the situation. The following scoring occurs depending on trends:
dynamics of indicators "I " and "C" has a negative value for the observed period
(decrease) +1 point; increase -1 point;
dynamics of indicator "P" has a negative value for the observed period (decrease) -
1 point; increase +1 point;
At the third stage, there is a further transformation of the obtained points with the
quantitative dynamics of changes in each indicator. The quantitative values of the dynamics of
the sign (changes in percentages/100) are added to the score with a positive or negative pole.
The introduction of correction factor makes it possible not only to classify the changes, but to
determine the "weight" of changes for the period. This makes it possible to measure the
qualitative characteristics of the dynamics to distribute the regions according to the main
clusters and to rank them depending on the quantitative parameters of the changes. To eliminate
random fluctuations (a strong dispersion of the trait) and to equalize the values, a maximum
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2020: 10(4),236 - 251
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
oscillation threshold is set (>100%). Therefore, the maximum fluctuation in the values of each
indicator is located in a given continuum.
At the fourth stage, on the basis of weighing the values of the indicators, their
normalization and leveling of the dynamic series (freeing from random deviations), they are
further transformed by aggregating three indicators into the “auspiciousness” index. This index
reflects the configurations of the process of improving the situation with orphanhood and the
place of the region on the scale of index, which is in a continuum of values from +1 (maximum
of a favorable development) to -1 (maximum of unfavorable development). The value "0"
represents a turning point (bifurcation) trend. "Auspiciousness" index= "I" (summary score) +
P (summary score) + C (summary score)/maximum total value of indicators.
At the fifth stage, the regions of the Russian Federation are distributed among four
clusters: green, yellow, orange, red. Clusters reflect the situation of social orphanhood
in terms of its systemic shifts in the identification of orphans I, the placement of identified
orphans "P", and the cancellation of transferring a child to a family decisions "C".
The regions in the green cluster (the most favorable changes), are characterized by the
decrease of the indicator I; the increase of the indicator P; the decrease of indicator C in
a period.
The regions in the yellow cluster (two indicators are favorable, one is unfavorable),
characterized by the decrease of the indicator I; the increase or decrease of the indicator P;
the decrease or increase of indicator C in a period.
The regions in the orange cluster (one indicator is favorable, two are unfavorable),
characterized by the decrease of the indicator I; decrease of the indicator P; the increase of
indicator C in a period.
The regions in the red cluster (three indicators are unfavorable), characterized by the
increase of the indicator I; decrease of the indicator P; the increase of indicator C in a
After the classification of regions to the different clusters, a rating is based on
distribution according to the auspiciousness index of the situation development. Further, in
dependence on the values of the "auspiciousness" index, regions are ranked by the order of
higher to the lower values. The highest value rating is in the regions of the "green" cluster, the
lowest is in the red cluster.
A method of constructing a Social Support Efficiency Index and
the procedure for adding indicators for assessing the
effectiveness of social policy
The effectiveness of social policy is recorded by support of families and people in
difficult situations. To assess the effectiveness of social support, we developed an aggregated
index that allows us to build an integrated rating of the regions. This index is formed on the
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2020: 10(4),236 - 251
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
basis of aggregation of a number of statistical indicators presented in the summary information
about protection of the children rights in the region for 2018 (Summary reports on the form of
federal statistical observation No. 103-RIK 2018 for Russia and the subjects of the Russian
Federation, 2019).
These indicators (variables and characteristics) were combined into 3 groups: P1 -
indicators of "favorable social effects"; P2 - indicators of "adverse social shifts"; P3 - indicators
of "social support". Indicators of the assessment are calculated as the dynamics for the 3 years,
the assessment was carried out by the sign (growth or decrease).
The social support efficiency index is a total score for indicators based on their weight,
transformed by recalculating the points received from their maximum possible value into the
efficiency scale with a continuum of values from 0 (absolutely ineffective) to 1 (most effective).
Table 1
The main indicators for assessing the effectiveness of social policy for the period 2016-2018
Indicator group
Indicators (variables and characteristics)
of the assessment
Indicators of
assessment and
their scores
dynamics of
changes in key
indicators of
The change in the proportion of orphans
who are brought up in families from the
number of children left without parental
1 point - increase
0.5 points - no
0 points - decrease
The number of families performing
guardianship free of charge
The number of foster families
The number of adoptive families
The number of parents reinstated in
parental rights
dynamics of
change in
indicators of
The number of deceased minors(0-17
years old)
1 point - decrease
0.5 points - no
0 points - increase
The number of marriages of minors
The number of pregnant minors
The number of minors given birth to
The number of children requiring drug
The total number of orphans and children
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2020: 10(4),236 - 251
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Indicator group
Indicators (variables and characteristics)
of the assessment
Indicators of
assessment and
their scores
left without parental care
The number of foster parents with whom
contracts were terminated prematurely by
the initiative of the guardianship authority
because of unfavorable conditions for the
maintenance and education of children in
the foster family
The number of parents deprived of
parental rights
The number of parents limited in parental
The number of disabled children
The proportion of orphans left without
parental care from the number of children
with disabilities
dynamics of
changes in
indicators of state
and non-state
provision of
social policy
The total number of preschool institutions
1 point - increase
0.5 points - no
0 points - decrease
The number of private preschool
The number of children in foster families
eligible for child support
The proportion receiving alimony from the
number of eligible (of those who have the
right to receive it)
Introduction to the generalized indicator of a wide range of variables reflecting negative
shifts in the situation with the protection of children's rights allows us to monitor indirect
indicators of the low effectiveness of social support for the family, childhood, and motherhood,
based on the negative dynamics of these social processes.
General algorithm for testing tools and hypothesis
Step 1 - We calculate the value of indicators of the "auspiciousness" index based on the
methodology for assessing the situation of social orphanhood. We make a summary table of
distributions for the period.
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(4),236 - 251
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Step 2 - We classify and group all the regions of the Russian Federation according to the
"auspiciousness" index, compile their rating, and enter them in the general distribution matrix.
Step 3 - We select from each cluster (groups of regions of a certain color that characterize
the situation with orphanhood) 2-3 regions to conduct a desk study of the main factors and
conditions that determine the development of the situation (favorable and unfavorable trends
and shifts).
Step 4 - We calculate the social support efficiency index based on the form of the
regional reporting of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (The analysis scheme
of the state of protection of children's rights in the region, 2019) for those regions that are
included in the system analysis group.
Step 5 - We carry out a comparative analysis of the selected regions in different clusters
according to the "auspiciousness" index according to the social support efficiency index in the
region to identify the connection between them.
Step 6 - We collect statistical information to evaluate:
the severity of the problem of social orphanhood in each region of the Russian
Federation selected for analysis (Orphanhood in the regions of Russia, 2019).
the socio-economy position of the regions (Rating of the socio-economic situation
of the regions, 2018; Rating agency RIA Rating of the media group MIA Russia
Today, 2019);
the place of the region in 2017 according to the main socio-economic indicators
(Regions of Russia, 2017)
Step 7 - We enter the additional information showing the ratings of the extent of
orphanhood, socio-economic status, the place of the region according to the main indicators of
socio-economic development in the database. This will allow us to represent the parameters for
a comparative analysis and search for the connection between indicators that reflect the
influence of various socio-economic factors.
Step 8 - We conduct a comparative analysis of selected regions representing different
groups according to the “auspiciousness” index of changes in the social orphanhood according
to ratings that reflect the system and structural aspects of the socio-economic situation. These
ratings reflect the following aspects: the scale of orphanhood, the integrated rating (scale of the
economy; economic efficiency; budget sphere; social sphere; level of economic and social
development in the region).
Step 9 - We collect information about the social policy in the region. Particular attention
is paid for information, which includes changes in the regulatory framework, contributing to
the removal of the barriers in the development of the social sector, public-private partnership.
Also the information about measures of stimulation of the social sphere, attracting investment
and development in the social sphere is very important. The regional programs and plans for
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(4),236 - 251
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
the development of the social sphere, the reports about implementation of social policies are
important objects for the search and selection of information. Concepts (strategies) for social
development of the region and programs that express the main models of social policy are of
interest for analysis.
Step 10 - We analyze the information that displays various aspects of social policy and
social development of the region. The analysis is based on the use of different formalized and
unformalized methods of desk research. They allow to perform multi-factor research of the
object. The study is carried out using a combination of analytical methods with the analysis of
direct and indirect data on the object (research and analysis of factors affecting the object of
study, both within its segment and going far beyond the segment, industry, region).
Testing results of a new methodological approach
In order to test the methodological approach, a comparative analysis of the selected
regions, representing different clusters by the "auspiciousness" index of shifts in the social
orphanhood by the social support efficiency index in the region, in order to identify possible
connections between them was presented (table 2).
Table 2
Connection between the clusters of "auspiciousness" of changes in the social orphanhood and
the social support efficiency index
The clusters of "auspiciousness" of changes in the development
social orphanhood and the represented regions
Perm region
Penza region
Vladimir region
Tver region
Yaroslavl region
Krasnoyarsk region
Krasnodar region
Khabarovsk region
Belgorod region
Arkhangelsk region
Novgorod region
The social
support efficiency
index by clusters
There is a slight inverse connection between the average values of the social support
efficiency index in these clusters and the strengthening of the unsuccessful situation with social
orphans at the level of regional clusters. Of course, it should be noted that the difference in the
values of the index is insignificant, but it goes beyond the measurement error. Thus, in our
scientific experiment, the tendency of dependence of the favorable development indices on the
situation with social orphanhood and the effectiveness of social support is clearly visible. This
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(4),236 - 251
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
trend may indicate the presence of some direct correlation between the effectiveness of social
support for families and people in difficult life situations, on the one hand, and the decrease in
the dynamics of the unfavorable development of the situation with social orphanhood on the
other hand. And the methodological tools allow us to record the connection between improving
the situation in the regions and the growth of the effectiveness of the social policy.
The proposed method for assessing the favorable development of the social orphanhood
allows, in our opinion, to identify both positive and negative shifts in the dynamics of the key
factors and indicators that determine this process at an early stage with a fairly high degree of
validity. Other advantages of this method include not only the possibility of using it to rank the
regions according to the "auspiciousness" index but also to evaluate the impact of social support
measures on the effectiveness of the regional social policy. To realize this opportunity, an
additional social support efficiency index is introduced (social support for families and people
in difficult life circumstances). These results are consistent with researches of Reznichenko et
al (2018), Kvon et al (2017) and Zaitseva et al (2018). Reznichenko et al, 2018 pointed to the
conformity of the social policy based on the region and considered it necessary. These results
are also consistent with the concept of auspiciousness in researchs of Kvon et al (2017) and
Zaitseva et al (2018), which has been considered in the ranking of social orphanhood.
Our scientific experiment revealed the connection between these indexes. From the
point of view of the research methodology, the connection confirms the rather high validity of
the proposed indicators and methods of aggregation of indexes. A serious limitation of the
method is that it does not allow us to fix the extent of manifestation in each region of the social
orphanhood problem on the one hand. On the other hand, methods for detecting the extent of
orphanhood are well developed and widely used in practice.
In sum, the application of our method is aimed at finding turning points in the
development of the situation in order to identify the main causes. Therefore, the use of our
method should be supplemented by old methods for assessing the problems of social
orphanhood in terms of the extent of its prevalence in the region.
The methodological approach for assessing the effectiveness of social policy for
overcoming of social orphanhood has been tested in a limited number of regions representing
the main clusters. These were formed on the basis of using the classification according to the
“auspiciousness” index of the development of the situation with social orphanhood The use of
this index allowed us to classify all regions not only by groups (clusters) representing a
continuum of favorable shifts in the problem of social orphanhood, but also to rank them by
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(4),236 - 251
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
regions. This classification, which allows to find turning points in the development of the
situation with social orphans, opens up new opportunities in the search and determination of
drivers and barriers for overcoming the negative phenomenon, taking into account the policy
of social support in the regions.
This method makes it possible to conduct a comparative analysis of regions representing
different groups according to the “auspiciousness” index of shifts in the situation with social
orphanhood by ratings that reflect the system and structural aspects of development and the
state of the socio-economic situation.
Additional collection of information on social policy in the region will allow to expand
the possibilities of using the method of evaluating the effectiveness of social policy. Information
that reflects changes in the legal framework helps to remove barriers in the development of the
social sector and the development of public-private partnerships for social support of families
is of particular value. The information about stimulating measures for the development of the
social sphere and attract investment in the development of the social sphere is also of key
importance. The regional programs and plans for the development of the social sphere, reports
on the implementation are important objects of additional analysis within the proposed typology
of regions. They offer considerable opportunities for removing barriers of increasing the
effectiveness of social support for families.
Therefore, it is planned to supplement this method of assessing the effectiveness of
social policies to overcome social orphanhood by developing a specific number of common
contours of regional strategies in choosing the desired measures depending on a particular and
contextual scenario.
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Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(4),236 - 251
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ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)