Métodos efectivos de enseñanza en el pensamiento mediático y el modelo
de lección por alfabetización en la búsqueda de soluciones prácticas desde
la perspectiva de los docentes
Effective methods of teaching in media thinking and literacy lesson and providing
practical solutions form teachers’ perspective
Mohammad Pishbaz
, Soolmaz Nourabadi
Shahed University, Tehran. Iran
Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6684-9862
Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9292-8011
La alfabetización mediática es un conjunto de habilidades de aprendizaje referentes a la
capacidad de acceder, analizar y crear una variedad de mensajes mediáticos. También la
alfabetización mediática es una habilidad esencial en el mundo de hoy. Para avanzar al complejo
entorno de medios de hoy, deberíamos poder comprender mejores mensajes de medios. Las
personas con conocimientos mediáticos podrán descubrir los mensajes complejos que se
encuentran en televisión, radio, periódicos, revistas, libros, vallas publicitarias, Internet y otros
medios independientes. También pueden crear sus propios medios y participar activamente en
la configuración de la cultura de los medios. En este sentido, el presente estudio ha identificado
un nuevo libro sobre Pensamiento mediático y alfabetización en las escuelas secundarias,
desde la perspectiva de los maestros, desde los aspectos de los métodos de enseñanza, incluidos
los contextos, procesos, aportes y resultados. En esta investigación, el tipo de investigación es
una aplicada, que se realiza por método descriptivo y encuesta. La población estadística estaba
compuesta por todos los maestros del décimo nivel de la escuela en el distrito 18 de Teherán y
el tamaño de la muestra se determinó usando la tabla Morgan. Después de una encuesta de
docentes, análisis de datos. Los resultados con el uso de One Sample T-Test indicaron que los
métodos de enseñanza de este libro fueron de medio a alto, en términos de contextos, entradas,
procesos y salidas. Además, los resultados de la prueba de Friedman muestran que la prioridad
más importante de los métodos de enseñanza de este libro fueron los factores contextuales, y el
factor menos importante son las entradas.
Palabras clave: Plan de estudios, alfabetización mediática, enseñanza, pensamiento,
capacitación en alfabetización mediática.
Media literacy is a set of learnable skills that refers to the ability to access, analyze, and create
a variety of media messages. Also, media literacy is an essential skill in today's world. To move
into today's complex media environment, we should able to understand better media messages.
People with media literacy will be able to discover the complex messages found in television,
radio, newspapers, magazines, books, billboards, internet and other independent media. They
Correspondencia al autor
E-mail: nourabadi@shahed.ac.ir
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Apuntes Universitarios, 2020: 10(4), octubre-diciembre
ISSN: 2304-0335 DOI:https://doi.org/10.17162/au.v10i4.500
can also create their own media and participate actively in shaping media culture. In this regard,
the present study has identified a new book on "Media Thinking and Literacy" at secondary
high schools, from the teachers' perspective, from the aspects of teaching methods including
contexts, process, input and output. In this research, the type of research is an applied one,
which is done by descriptive method and survey. The statistical population consisted of all
teachers of 10th level of school in district 18 of Tehran and the sample size was determined
using Morgan table. After survey from teachers, data analysis. The results with using One
Sample T-Test indicated that the teaching methods of this book were in the medium to high, in
terms of contexts, inputs, processes, and outputs. Also, the results of Friedman test show that
the most important priority of teaching methods of this book was the contextual factors, and the
least important factor is the inputs.
Keywords: Curriculum, Media Literacy, Teaching, Thinking, Media Literacy Training.
One of the necessities of globalization is the need for an education with media training
to prepare learners in order to meet the challenges of life that are changing and unpredictable
(Myers, 2007). The variety of communication technologies has made it easy for people to
communicate with anyone in anywhere on the globe at any time. So, they are a very powerful
and useful tool that utilizes advanced technologies to transfer information effectively around
the world. Children and adolescents have experienced significant changes in their lifestyle in
recent years. One of the most important changes is the emergence of new media that are much
more influential than their predecessors due to their specific characteristics such as cheapness,
availability and interactivity (Ameli, 2011). In today's global village, anyone with a mobile
phone or personal computer (PC) can easily access up-to-date and global information in any
field of human knowledge in less than a few seconds. Today's information is not difficult to
access; but, Are we able to process and understand all media messages? Do we have enough
time for this? Can thinking and media literacy training, as an appropriate solution, teach person
skills to be active in the media and to choose from the vast amount of information available to
him or her every day? The goal of media literacy is to promote critical understanding and active
participation. Media literacy, however, is an educational approach in 21st century, shapes an
understanding of the role of media in society and considers the acquisition of essential research
and expression skills that necessary for citizens in the age of globalization (Sheram & Durkin,
Media literacy is a set of skills that one can rely on to clearly understand what he/she
receives from different media; identify needed information, select and evaluate more valuable
and accurate information and ultimately exploit it (Hafezi & Bakhtiyari, 2004). Also, teaching
media literacy in the community is a mix of effective media production techniques and insights
to identify which of these media tools can provide useful and essential information to public
opinion in today's media age (Sharbatiyan & Eskandari, 2015). Media literacy seeks to identify
the relationship between knowledge and power, and between power and social justice. Media
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),143 - 155
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
literacy is the power to understand and make meaning in the media (Shokrkhah, 2019). Media
literacy is a component of the mental ability that motivates one to make decisions and to act
wisely, and includes values such as truth, justice, self-determination, and personal criticism
(Eidizadeh, 2013; Hesami, & Rad, 2019).
The field of media literacy education has emerged in the world for the last 40 years and
the importance of education and the broad concept of literacy has expanded over the years.
Media literacy education has been formally introduced by the Canadian educational system.
Media literacy is currently taught as a lesson in many countries such as the United Kingdom,
Australia, South Africa, Canada, United States and Japan, and simultaneously is developing in
New Zealand, Italy, Greece, Austria, Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland (Kress, 2003). New
age, as a fast era of communication, has been accompanied with very simple and fast entry,
minimum access restrictions, communication with the world in various forms, lack of time and
space constraints, access to various databases and participation in economic-scientific-cultural-
art activities. Its speed and flexibility have led to fundamental changes in the pillars of society,
as familiarity with other societies, willing or unwanted, brings new norms to the extent that
norms and values of the community are diminished in that range.
Among the strategies that can be taken to tackle such challenges are social surveillance,
enjoining good and forbidding wrong as well as compilation of up-to-date and comprehensive
textbooks such as media thinking and literacy are as a form of social control by each individual
for preservation of the values and norms of the religious community (KeshtyAray & Akbarian,
2010; Soleimani, & Esfahani, 2018). The expansion of cyberspace in the field of parent-child
relationships has also brought about changes, such as decreasing role of families as a reference,
decreasing relationship between parents and children, the generation gap due to technological
development, loss of privacy between children and parents. Due to the importance of
cyberspace in the development of societies in our society, in recent years, much attention has
been paid to information and communication technology (Sadeghian, 2005). It should be noted
that various factors such as content of curriculum, use educational technology in classroom,
teacher motivation, socio-educational and cultural factors, student participation in group
discussions of media thinking and literacy lesson, classroom management evaluation, teaching
methods, and extra activities are important in teaching this lesson. To be successful in the 21st
century, teachers must train students to be lifelong learners, and this can only happen when the
process of pure transition-based learning is changed.
In the meantime, teachers need to keep pace with current developments and be fully
familiar with information and communication technologies that affect student learning and
academic development, and can train people with information literacy to be innovative and
creative thinking. Nowadays, traditional or passive teaching-learning methods do not meet the
needs of learners and students, especially in teaching media thinking and literacy lessons.
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),143 - 155
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Because using passive methods to achieve problem-solving skills, collaboration are not
possible. As a result, the student does not understand the pleasure of science and so school is
boring and unpleasant for them. One of the solutions to such problems is to implement new and
effective ways of training and teaching.
Research about teaching is one of the most important issues that provides appropriate
feedback for analyzing educational issues, fundamental decision making and strategic planning
for educational authorities and stakeholders in one hand; and on the other hand, teachers try to
improve the teaching methods and thus increase the quality of teaching by being aware of the
quality of their performance during teaching (Shabani-Varaki & Hosein-Golizadeh, 2006). The
teaching profession is undoubtedly one of the most difficult jobs in the current era, because in
addition to a full awareness of knowledge and proficiency, each teacher must have the art and
experience of teaching. In many countries, teachers need to have a valid and scientifically
certificate based on successfully pass a teaching course in teaching field, and then they should
improve their scientific and practical capability through continuous In-service training courses
(Fathi-Vajaragah, 2008).
The new textbook, thinking and media literacy, is developed by the Textbook
Compilation Bureau and distributed for teaching in 10th level of secondary school. In the first
step, the action is very important and necessary, but the issue is the content of textbook that
should be included in each student's mind. Also, the gap between researches in this area,
including lack of comprehensiveness and some sporadic writing has caused many
considerations to be neglected. Media thinking and literacy lesson should be taught by those
who are dealing with media, have skill in this field, are familiar with a variety of effective
teaching methods, and have the necessary facilities for topics of each chapter of the book.
Therefore, in this study, the research questions are:
1. What methods are effective in teachers’ viewpoint to teach media thinking and
literacy lesson?
2. How much relation is there between contents of this book thinking and media
literacy with the previous teachers' learning?
3. How much relation is there between content of this book “media and thinking
literacy” with predicted educational purpose?
4. What are the practical solutions in teachers’ perspective in the classroom?
Research method
The type of research in this study is descriptive-analytical as well as survey. The
statistical population of the study consisted of all teachers in 10th level of secondary school in
district 18 of Tehran who have taught this lesson in the academic year 2018-2019 and in
sampling used Morgan table (S=1208, N=291). First, a list of all teachers was prepared and then
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),143 - 155
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
291 teachers were selected by simple random sampling. The research tool was researcher-made
questionnaire. This questionnaire was prepared based on the views of experts in Teaching in
Media Thinking and Literacy Lesson, which initially had 21 questions, which were reduced to
10 questions after expertise and multiple expert reviews. The validity and reliability of this
questionnaire were evaluated by Cronbach's alpha test and its reliability was confirmed (0.79).
Data were analyzed with using SPSS software version 22. Data analysis consisted of two main
sections: description of data (central and dispersion indices) and data analysis (one-sample t-
test and Friedman test).
To answer the first question, first investigate the research findings regarding the degree
of achievement of the desired goals based on the one-sample t-test. Then, the compatibility of
the media thinking and literacy lesson goals were investigated with the researchers conducted
inside and out of the country. The goals identified for teaching methods and contexts, and the
extent to which these goals have been achieved are as follows:
1. The first goal of the teaching methods of the new compilation book "media thinking
and literacy" according to the circular sent to the schools by the Department of
Education is to prefer the teaching method that offers opportunities for students to
repeat and reconstruct the contents learned (t = 49.626).
2. The second goal of the teaching methods of this book, according to the circular, is
to emphasize on the practical activities of the students (t = 44.299).
3. The third goal of the teaching methods of the book "media thinking and literacy"
according to the circular issued by the education is to identify and prioritize
appropriate teaching methods to the needs of the students (lectures, expository, etc.)
(t =48/874).
4. The fourth goal of the teaching methods of this book is methods that lead to
meaningful learning (t = 59.519).
5. The fifth goal of the teaching methods of the book "media thinking and literacy" is
to provide an opportunity to express views and opinions (t = 46.554).
6. The sixth goal of teaching methods of this book is to focus on the power of students'
analysis (t = 51.343).
7. The seventh goal of the teaching methods of the new book compilation book "media
thinking and literacy" is to: distinction and comparing power of information, issues
and situations from each other (t = 49.329).
8. The eighth goal of teaching methods of this book is to measure students' prior
information before starting the lesson (t = 39.772).
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),143 - 155
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
9. The ninth goal of the teaching methods of this book is to fit the events of real life
environment (t = 44.185).
10. The tenth goal of teaching methods of the book is to provide positive and negative
examples of subject and student comparative power (t = 38.200).
Among the questions raised, question 10 refers to Innovative teaching method. The main
purpose of this method is to innovate, breaking the barrier of traditional rules and creating new
ways for solving problems through comparison. This is a way to help people break old previous
mindsets and find the right way to think in a new way to the subject. On the other hand, goal 4
shows that teachers are most likely to create meaningful learning to make connections between
new and previous learned content. The most important thing that affects learning is the learner's
previous knowledge; so, identify them and then start teaching. Therefore, in the questionnaire
for the teaching methods of this book according to the one-sample t-test, the least achievement
of the goals realization is related to question 10 of the questionnaire means to provide a positive
and negative sample of the subject and the student's comparison power (t = 38/200), and the
highest degree of realization is related to question 4, namely applying the methods that lead to
meaningful learning (t = 59.519).
In the present study, according to the survey questionnaire from teachers, the results of
the table show that there is a significant difference between the sample mean and the
hypothetical mean of the community at the significance level of 0.01 (t= 63.10). The results
indicate that the teaching methods of this book are above average in terms of teaching contexts.
To answer the second question, some cases of the teaching methods of this book in terms
of teaching inputs in a circular sent by the Ministry of Education were specified in questionnaire
10 to 20 that their achievement on the basis of the one-sample t-test is as follows:
11. Influence of in-service courses on increasing empowerment (t = 23.529).
12. Interaction and cooperation of the school executive (t = 33.213).
13. Use of various educational resources and educational aid related to the lesson (t =
14. Using several teaching methods (t = 37.986).
15. Not knowing enough the book as a source of information (t = 35.779).
16. Providing new exercises and contents for not being stagnant of the class (t = 52.335).
17. Participation of all class members in-group activity (t = 49.925).
18. Providing classroom space for criticism, questioning, challenge, talking about
argument, challenging the subject matter (t = 46.865).
19. Generating new thinking using problem solving method by comparison (t = 46.528).
20. Full overlook on specialized subject matters (t = 43.947).
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),143 - 155
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Among the questions asked in the survey questionnaire, the least realization of process
design is related to question 11 means in-service courses on increasing empowerment (t=
23.529), and the most realization is related to 16 question means providing new practice and
contents for not being stagnant of the class (t = 52.335).
According to statistics, while in-service education of the teachers is one of the most
basic educational needs of any society, in-service training of this lesson has not been fully
effective in achieving predetermined goals. The least reason for this is inconsistency of
educational content of courses with needs of teachers as well as quality of holding. Whereas
one of the ways to empower in-service teachers is to introduce them to new teaching methods;
disregarding "in-service training" for updating and empowering teachers will eventually lead to
have teachers, who have neither up-to-date information nor valuable skills, while a capable
teacher can qualify the education process and ultimately educate a generation that is the source
of the work for the country. Therefore, in question 16, teachers use from providing exercises in
the form of classroom questioning and activities, making new topics, and student research to
ensure that the classroom is not stagnant.
According to the teachers' survey questionnaire, the results show that there is a
significant difference between the sample mean and the hypothetical average at the significant
level of 0.01 (t= 63.10) on the realization level of the outputs of the teaching methods of the
new compilation book, namely "media thinking and literacy". The results indicate that the
teaching methods of new compilation book "media thinking and literacy" are in medium to high
status in terms of teaching inputs.
In response to the third question, the educational goals outlined in the circular include
the role of teachers, schools and education area. The teacher is one of the important elements
in the curriculum that has a facilitating role. One of the key qualifications of a teacher is to be
familiar completely with the basic concepts, principles and rules of science. If this qualification
is weak, there will be a slowdown in his/her educational role. The main condition for the success
of the teaching method of this book is to first become known to the teacher and to be fully
familiar with the educational goals and mission of the book. Questionnaires about the
relationship between the content of the book and the educational goals are from question 20 to
30 that their realization rate is based on one-sample t-test:
21. Using predictive methods in the book for evaluating different dimensions (t =
22. Implementation of the teaching process and classroom activities in accordance with
the predicted goals and plan (t = 50.419).
23. Use of predicted educational tools and technology (t = 41.271).
24. Providing teaching according to the schedule (t = 49.818).
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),143 - 155
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
25. Identifying weaknesses, deficiencies, and inadequacies of teaching (t = 56.343).
26. Facilitating learning and empowering poor students in terms of verbal ability (t =
27. Developing the thinking that the students solve the problem themselves (t = 47.428).
28. Not providing the content directly to the learners, as well as asking regular questions
to guide students' subjective activities to the subject matter (t = 43.756).
29. Inviting experts on the subject of the book (expert of media, cyberspace, etc.) (t =
30. Attempts and emphasis on group activity more than individual activity (t = 37.624).
According to the one-sample t-test is related to questions of the processes, the least
realization of process is related to question 29 means to invite experts on the subject of the book
(expert of media, cyberspace, etc.) (t = 26.139); and the most realization of processes is
associated with question 26, namely facilitating learning and empowering poor students in
terms of verbal ability (t = 58.585).
According to the above statistics, it appears that there is no context and conditions for
inviting out-of-school media professionals as a guest to explain some of the information
regarding media thinking and literacy lesson. Among the benefits that this can have are: 1) the
importance of the lesson, 2) the attractiveness of the lesson and its rapid learning.
On the other hand, most of the votes are focused on reinforcing the student's vocabulary;
surely shy students are in a secluded in the classroom, who refuse to make contact with
individuals and participate in social activities. So they need to be seen, and provided, by the
teacher, such as role-playing, entering small groups for collaborative learning, expressing their
views and opinions, and being self-sufficient.
According to the survey of teachers, the results indicated that there is a significant
difference between the sample mean and the hypothetical average of the community at the
significant level of 0.01, regarding the status of teaching processes (t = 66.31). The results show
that the methods of teaching media thinking and literacy lesson are in medium to high status
in terms of teaching processes.
To answer the fourth question, which are some of the practical solutions to the teaching
methods of the book "media thinking and literacy" in the teacher survey questionnaire is from
question 30 to 40, that their realization rate based on the one-sample t-test is:
31. Determining the success rate and failure of the selective teaching method by
receiving feedback from students through appropriate tools (t = 50.883).
32. Making a question from booklet and textbook about evaluation (t = 43.112).
33. Evaluation according to student problem solving ability (t = 43.588).
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),143 - 155
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
34. Evaluation with regard to cooperation, participation and respect for others' opinions
(t = 46.928).
35. Evaluation of students considering their ability and knowledge to deal with specific
subjective and objective situations (t = 42.612).
36. Evaluation with regard to creating motivation in students and knowing value of their
thinking and knowledge (t = 51.520).
37. Using question and answer to recall past material (t = 53.334).
38. Making questions for students (t = 23.646).
39. Assessment of student learning (self-assessment) by asking these questions in this
lesson (t = 32.913).
40. Evaluation according to the level of student understanding (analysis and criticism)
of the course materials as well as the practical work (in the form of media, articles,
projects, etc.) (t = 39.017).
According to the one-sample t-test is related to questions of practical solutions for
presenting the lesson in the class (output), the lowest realization is related to question 38, i.e.,
Making questions by students (t= 23.646) and the most realization is associated with question
37, namely, the use of question and answer to recall past material (t = 53.334).
According to the above statistics, it can be said that teachers use the question-and-
answer method to attract the student's attention to a new lesson or matter and to teach it. Also,
they do not directly address the matter, but by asking regular questions drive the students'
mental activity into new content and guides them to discover new concepts themselves. At the
same time, it should be noted that the questions should be designed according to the students'
scientific backgrounds and raised in a way that attract their attention. In contrast, question 38
indicates that teachers have a question-and-answer attitude and have not provided problem-
centered situations where the student is a spontaneous, designer and analyst of the question and
not dependent on the asking the question from the teacher.
The investigations of the questionnaire indicate that, regarding status of teaching
outputs, there is a significant difference between the sample mean and the hypothetical mean
of the population at the significance level of 0.01 (t = 62.17). The results show that the method
of teaching this book in terms of outputs is in medium to high status.
Today, in addition to training citizenship for a society, the need to preparation of citizens
for life in the international community has become an educational necessity. Teaching media
literacy to citizens in the age of globalization is a total concept that relies on media, cultural,
social, historical, political, and technological studies and it can be applied to teaching better
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),143 - 155
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
ways of living in the age of information and communication in particular in one society and in
the global community in general. Media literacy is a tool for protecting citizens against the
negative effects of the mass media. The subject of media thinking and literacy, like any other
educational subject, is wide-ranging. Obviously, training such a volume of knowledge, skills,
and attitudes is not possible for a lesson with two hours teaching per week in a school year. In
other words, media literacy is one of the most important topics in modern societies. The pattern
of proper use of media and having media literacy in human societies are among important
foundations of the economic and social development of any society. One of the important
foundations is the creation of low-level media literacy, especially in the educational system of
each country. Because in educational system, students will learn to practice the critical thinking
that underlies democracy and any kind of economic and social development in any country.
In the present study, due to the importance of teacher role in implementation of this
lesson, the teachers themselves were surveyed. According to the findings of this study, based
on the teachers' survey questionnaire, the highest number of respondents was related to female;
the highest employment status was official; and the largest percentage of respondents reported
their history between 21-25 years. Taking into account the age and high history of the teachers
participating in the survey, and according to results of the survey as well as statements of
teachers at the end of the questionnaire (based on the teaching method of this lesson should be
executed in the form of media space according to the conditions and requirements, a handbook
and CD be with teachers, to be taught in low-population classrooms, not to be considered as an
excessive lesson by officials and executives), because of get accustomed of teachers with
traditional and passive teaching conditions, unwillingness to change the ways of work, their
inability to specialize in new situation, and their inability to re-learn, the inability to learn, and
the effort to maintain status, past and present traditions and methods; can be found in their
resistance to implement the effective teaching method of "media thinking and literacy". While
it is clear that, this lesson is the basis for a conscious and evolving society in the future.
Similar results found Ballesta-Pagán, Martínez-Buendía, & Céspedes-Ventura (2007),
regarding teachers’ assessment of the digital teaching materials created point to the validity and
suitability of the matrices used, both at the pedagogical and the technological level. The above
makes us think that leads to pose as a challenge the linking of information technologies and the
communication in the Latin American university environment. It would be desirable to deepen
the studies in teaching proposals to increase the presence of the media in the teacher training.
This implies an approach to the analysis of the activity carried out by its teachers and
contribution to student training, developing appropriate strategies that allow emancipatory
training (Saez & di Nápoli, 2019).
The results of media thinking are compared with that found by Uriarte-Álvarez, (2011)
where media literacy as a tool to train competent children, critics and literates in media. scope
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),143 - 155
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
was the application and development of an educational strategy for media literacy, as well as
the possibility of developing critical thinking skills for educational strategies. Another scope
was to be able to adapt the educational strategy to the curriculum, which shows that media
literacy is a tool that can be incorporated into the curriculum of that institution. The
aforementioned makes us reflect on the growth of the influence of the information and
communication media, as well as the tools intended for the media training of society, it is
gaining great relevance day by day and a greater presence in the educational sphere of
individuals. However, their presence is greater does not imply that the subjects are clear about
what we talk about when we do media education, why we do it or what it means to do it (Marín
& Cabero, 2010).
Based on the findings, it can be concluded that how media is used depends largely on
the quality of media literacy of individuals. Therefore, it is better to provide the necessary
background for the development of media literacy in the educational system. The use of the
media has been mixed with everyday life in many ways. This is especially true for television,
which is always associated with family life. The media can change the realms of life with their
presence in everyday life. Media converts private domains into public, and public into private.
Media literacy is like a diet that intelligently takes care of what is right and what is harmful;
what to use and what not to use; or on what basis each substance should be consumed. Media
literacy can teach media audiences to break out of passivity and consumption and enter into an
interactive and proactive equation that ultimately benefits them. In other words, media literacy
helps us to use the media in a smart and useful way. Therefore, all of these require conditions
that can emerge in the light of good and effective teaching.
Nowadays, less attention is paid to teaching and teaching methods in the country and
uniformity and overuse of teaching method slows down the teaching method. Teaching is
integration of both science and art; and the teacher must have both of them. Teaching is not the
only relationship between teacher and student to transfer their knowledge. Teaching
encompasses a variety of concepts, such as attitudes, beliefs, habits and behavioral styles, and
in general the types of interpretations that we want to make in students, and each of the above
areas has different characteristics. Teaching should be a regular, purposeful activity and be pre-
planned. Its aim should be to create favorable learning conditions and to influence the teacher
and student. The important point in the teaching process is teacher determines of what needs to
be learned in order to provide educational content and appropriate activities to the lesson and
understanding of the students.
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),143 - 155
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Ameli, S. R. (2011). A bipartisan approach to cyberbullying damages, crimes, laws and
policies. Tehran: Amir Kabir.
Ballesta-Pagán, J., Martínez-Buendía, J., & Céspedes-Ventura, R. (2017). Un modelo
integrador para la alfabetización mediática y la competencia digital en Educación
Primaria. Revista Fuentes, 19(2), 139-154.
Eidizadeh, T. (2013). Media literacy and choice of computer games. Journal of Social Science
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Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),143 - 155
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Hamshahri Online. Retrieval on October 29, 2019. Codex, 385694.
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Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),143 - 155
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)