Estudio sociológico sobre el efecto de las características de la modernidad
en la identidad étnica
Sociological study about the effect of modernity characteristics on the ethnic identity
Talieh Khademian
, Naser Rezapour
y Hamid Pouryousefi
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Orcid ID:
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Recibido: 09 de enero de 2020 Aceptado: 04 de agosto de 2020
La etnicidad y la nacionalidad son tipos de identidades sociales modernas que han sido
reformadas después de ser globalizadas. Esta investigación busca estudiar el papel de las
características de la modernidad en la identidad étnica. Los datos de la investigación se
recopilaron mediante un cuestionario elaborado por un investigador, y 384 estudiantes de la
Universidad Islámica Azad, Teherán North Branch fueron seleccionados por muestreo
aleatorio no probabilístico en 2019. Los resultados muestran la relación significativa entre la
identidad étnica y las características de la modernidad, estilo de vida moderno (r = -0.66),
identidad moderna (r = -0.74), socialización moderna (r = -0.40) y uso intencionado de redes
sociales virtuales (r = 0.31). En otras palabras, las identidades étnicas se debilitan por la
tendencia de los participantes a los patrones y valores beneficiosos e individualistas
occidentales adaptados con la ley, evitando y subestimando las normas religiosas y
tradicionales. Mientras tanto, las redes sociales virtuales como herramienta de modernidad
han sido una oportunidad para expresar las demandas étnicas políticas y sociales, en particular
los hombres de la frontera como los kurdos y los turcos. Principalmente, han aparecido en
forma de movimientos dramáticos y tensiones interétnicas que al seguir los elementos de la
modernidad finalmente disminuyen las pertenencias étnicas y la tendencia a la identidad
global, y solo el uso deliberado y consciente del espacio virtual puede aportar integridad y
vitalidad a la identidad étnica. Además, ha unificado, despertado y demandado a las etnias en
todas las fronteras nacionales debido a la historia y la identidad mutuas. Según los resultados
de la investigación, la pertenencia étnica de los estudiantes kurdos y turcos fue mayor que la
de otros, y estas etnias tienen una conciencia más completa sobre su historia, épica, tierra,
costumbres étnicas, rituales, industria, estilo de ropa y cocina local. Además, se adhirieron al
matrimonio, la asociación y la cooperación con su gente y estaban orgullosos de sus nombres
Palabras clave: identidad étnica, socialización moderna, estilo de vida moderno, identidad
moderna, modernidad, uso de redes sociales virtuales.
Correspondencia al autor
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Apuntes Universitarios, 2020: 10(4), octubre-diciembre
ISSN: 2304-0335 DOI:
Ethnicity and nationality are types of modern social identities that have reformed after being
globalized. This research tries to study the role of modernity characteristics on ethnic identity.
Research data was collected using a researcher-made questionnaire, and 384 students of
Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch were selected by non-probability random
sampling in 2019. The results show the significant relationship between ethnic identity and
modernity characteristics, modern lifestyle (r=-0.66), modern identity (r=-0.74), modern
socialization (r=-0.40), and purposeful use of virtual social networks (r= 0.31). In other words,
ethnic identities are weakened by the tendency of participants to the western beneficial and
individualistic patterns and values adapted with law, avoiding and underestimating religious
and traditional norms. Meanwhile, virtual social networks as a modernity tool have been an
opportunity to state the ethnics political and social demands particularly frontiersmen such as
Kurds and Turks. Principally, they have appeared in the form of dramatic movements and
inter-ethnic tensions that following modernity elements finally reduces ethnical belongings
and tendency to the global identity, and only purposeful and conscious use of virtual space
can bring integrity and vitality of ethnic identity. In addition, it has unified, awakened, and
sued ethnics all over the national borders because of mutual history and identity. According to
the results of research, the ethnic belonging of Kurdish and Turkish students was higher than
others, and these ethnicities have more complete awareness about their history, epic, land,
ethnic customs, rituals, industry, style of clothing, and local cuisine. In addition, they adhered
to marriage, companionship, and cooperation with their people and were proud of their native
Keywords: ethnic identity, modern socialization, modern lifestyle, modern identity,
modernity, use of virtual social networks
Ethnic identity is considered as one of the intermediate identities in the modernity era
which is beyond the individual identity and is lower than national identity. It has changed its
nature and separated from its intrinsic form by renaissance and the formation of the industrial
revolution, urbanization, religious reform, political revolutions, the emergence of modern
governments, etc. In addition, it gets the fluid form as people in the modern world get enabled
to select different identities for themselves, and ethnic, national, religious, and other
identification labels (Mahdavinezhad et al., 2010: 116). The multiplicity and diversity of
identity have been a reality in the vast majority of societies in the past and present. In
contemporary, the varieties of identity not only do not reduce despite innovation processes,
and establishment of modern institutions, but also they have changed to the topic of
controversy and identical differences. Moreover, the globalization processes such as the daily
incremental expansion of media, getting out of the monopoly of media management, and
control in the second half of the 20th century increased identity awareness and their
representation possibility. Accidentally, it increased the identity majority and varieties along
with the other cultural and social evolutions (Beheshti and Haghmoradi, 2017).
Iran has various languages, dialects, cultures, sub-culture, tribes, clans, and races. The
existence of 29 languages, Kurdish, Turkish, Baluch, Turkmen, Arabian, Lor, and Persian
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),126 - 142
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
tribes, countless diversity of cultural areas and racial diversity, and coexistence of ethnicities
show Iran civilization. Today, ethnic identity and ethnocentrism has been changed to one of
the vital problems of the world. Ethnicity is a social product and people's historical experience
in the modernization and globalization process and has an important role in forming
awareness, making individual and group memory that is remained from the group tradition.
The identity meaning has faced with crisis influenced by changing the lifestyle caused by
modernity. Ethnic identities have known itself in this gap vulnerable to discrimination and
injustice because of political, economic, cultural, and religious reasons. Or, they have a claim
of priority or forgotten because of national identity priority, farness, religion, etc. So they use
modernity tools (virtual media) to express their cultural and ethnic culture, seeking identity,
and connecting the tribes in various borders. Or, they use virtual media to express their
identical claims and complaining movements.
Modernity is changing the lifestyle where people can select their identity freely and
based on the intellect and reason far from the traditional values. Studies have shown that the
more members of the group belong to their ethnicity and ethnic identity, not only the more
their ethnic identity in the modern world will not be eliminated, but also they will be able to
represent and renew it. Any evolution such as modernity influences people's ethnic identity
and can change a part of its identity. However, it can’t eliminate the ethnicities in modern and
global identity. According to Chalabi (2003), the positive heritages of modernity has brought
the world nations and people closer and changed the world to the global village. These
include increasing the density of international and states relationships, expanding mass
communications, means of transportation, expanding and rapidly exchanging world
information in various fields, virtualizing the relationships in international levels, expanding
formal education and literacy in the world, increasing familiarity of the people of the world
with the customs, history, and culture of different nations, increasing generalism, and
generally generalizing spatial tendency, expanding information highways, and the ease of
access to them around the world in the world increase cultural and native identities
interactions. They also have changed the world to the unified network of social relationships
that has established a flow of human meanings between different regions (Chalabi, 2003:
According to Jenkins (1996), modernity and globalization have occurred due to factors
and mechanisms such as the emergence and increasing progress of virtual society, a kind of
identity, and meaning crisis in different societies of the world. Therefore, various people and
social classes seek methods and policies to solve this crisis including various forms of cultural
specialism. Actually, globalization, by space and time reconstruction, making border
permeable, and significant expansion of social spaces eliminate the essential conditions for
identification, and traditional meaning construction to the great extent, makes the identity and
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),126 - 142
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
meaning crisis which make the identity reconstruction inevitable. Some people know to cope
with crisis only by depending on resourcing to the traditional methods and resources of
identification. Therefore, it provides the proper social condition for various forms of
specialism ethnic stresses and identical crises (Rezaei and Dilmaghani, 2018). Modernity has
various positive and negative aspects. In other words, it is both an opportunity (in the
distribution and access of individuals to educational facilities and information and technology,
transferring and exchanging of values and cultural goods and so on) and a threat (cultural
unification, varieties removal, and digital gap increase). Global networks publish mass culture
from one hand and are a source of nutrition for the elite of society with the aim of innovation
and invention, challenge culture, and supply the identity needs well by removing local and
time aspects. In addition, various borders of social life can damage and change ethnic and
national identity, but modernity can reinforce modernity and modernity characteristics in case
of having proper and conscious percept about it. In this regard, dynamic identity and a healthy
society depend on the level of national affiliation and belonging of members of society
especially the youth.
In sum, this research tries to study the effect of modernity characteristics on the ethnic
identity of students of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, since students are considered as the
open-minded social class of a society who are sensitive to the social and political issues of the
society, are interested so much on their political wills and ideas, and the university is a
crossroads of different ethnicities. Students can state their ethnic thoughts and cultures and
change their identity in interaction with the other students’ ethnics and culture. Or, they can
rethink their identity, and social and cultural changes of this generation are the origin of the
change in the other aspects of society. The principal objective of this research is to study the
role of modernity characteristics (modern identity, modern lifestyle, and modern socialization)
on the ethnic identity of students and to study the ethnic belonging among participants.
Review of literature
Modernity is a cultural tendency in economic, political, social, scientific, and so on
fields with the emphasis on all-aspect freedom of humankind as well as reliance on the human
intellect, giving originality to a person, and a special experience of life that is independent of
time and place. According to Habermas's idea, modernity is being and living in this era as
modernity characteristics have changed the ethnic identity more than national identity. Then,
some studies about modernity elements and ethnic identity are mentioned.
Results of Keyhan et al. (2019) research showed that students with high perceptions
about ethnic and cultural significance, ethnic- political action capacity, opportunities, and
ethnic costs used Telegram application to exchange political information and ethnic demands
and to republish their ethnic status. Of course, social networks are only a tool to represent the
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),126 - 142
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
ethnic identity that unifies and reinforces ethnic identity besides structural reasons such as
relative deprivation, dissatisfaction, injustice, and experience of people's lives.
Alipour et al. (2016) believe that modernity and culture globalization challenge
national belonging and values of society by an increasing sense of deprivation, discrimination,
right-seeking, and magnifying the events of the Kurds. Modernity tools and elements
reinforce the Kurds political identity by a focus on the political field of Kurdish ethnic
identities such as importance and maneuvering in the field of formation of local parties,
participation, and seriousness of Kurdish political demands, the priority of Kurdish films to
Iranian films, and are the most correct Kurdish representatives in the elections. In addition,
their ethnic identity is weakened by attracting them in the global field, injecting the western
pattern and values, individualism, rationalism, and attracting young people to use western
products, modern, and western identity.
According to Nurroddin and Zahedi (2015), modern lifestyle invites people to follow
similar-to-western lifestyle and pattern which is in contradiction with the traditional and
national lifestyle by changing the leisure time style, tendency to consumerism, exhibitive life,
shopping pattern, nutrition style, and attention to appearance (appearance management). In
modern society, people connect to the global community through their social media, follow
the western lifestyle, values, and patterns willingly or unwillingly, and their national and
ethnic belongings are gradually weakened for the tendency to the global culture and identity.
Results of Shafieinias research (2015) show that modernity and the incremental
development of information and communication technologies have evolved identity-seeking
and growth of ethnic specialism. In recent years, Kurds have used virtual social networks as a
tool for identity specialism growth. Most internet contents are for demonstrations, campaigns,
political-cultural activities, ethnic tendencies, or related to Kurdish culture, history, and
society that invite Kurds to separatism and nationalism. Actually, modernity influences
Kurdish thoughts by changing values and attitudes toward the ethnic identity and emphasis on
the political aspect and ethnic supremacy. This matter only reassembles the Kurds not
reinforces ethnic identity. According to Ansari et al. (2014), modernity, globalization process,
and virtual space increase crisis, ethnic tensions, and uprisings by changing the traditional
framework and condition of identification. Modernity supplied the ethnic identity needs by
increasing identity-making resources that were ethnic in the past, and emphasis and
advertisement of principals such as freedom, equality, human rights, democracy, and living in
the contemporary world that threatens the human and cultural varieties and weakens the
ethnic identity. Khajenuri et al. (2013) believe that social media as a modernity tool are active
agents forming the beliefs and attitudes and media provide human access to various resources.
This access makes a threat in the previous identity resources and forms a new identity. The
ethnic identity is challenged in light of the world and social media and forgets some ethnic
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),126 - 142
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
values and traditions.
Results of Bagheri et al. (2012) show that Ahwaz citizens have faced with identity
crisis today by experiencing the communicative-technological identification space. People
tend to a convenient and luxurious life and western cultural values increase and people
belongings to identities and traditions reduce. Tavasoli and Adhami (2012) believe that youth
generation in the new era doesn’t have specific ethnic memories for use of global tools such
as satellite, cell phone, and cyberspace, and inexperience of political and social events. They
become socialized based on rationalist and modern values and tend to have a fluid identity.
According to Nassaj’s idea (2008), globalization has changed to a resource and a
factor to develop the ethnic awareness and conflicts in the world which weakens and
humiliates the ethnic identity. The identification condition is evolved in the globalization
process. People hesitate to select their lifestyles among the rest and try to rely on the
traditional identification tools and resources to escape the identity crisis.
According to Arielys idea (2019), ethnic identity is a type of collective identity which
originates from the past symbols, related memories, and values of a specific territory that
differs itself from the other countries and doesn’t easily melt into a global culture. If we
become consumers of global goods, services, information, and culture and don’t produce
content in this area, we will seek a homogeneous global identity. Actually, personal belonging
reduction to the national identity and people problems for the place will reduce the status of
ethnic and national identity and prefer the global identity.
Results of Yuki research (2015) show that innovation increases the ethnic conflicts,
fights, and ethnic and global dominance on the national identity and the development of the
global. In addition, same identity has weakened the ethnic identity. Innovation, by changing
lifestyle, industrial production (production style change), interaction way, education,
urbanization, promoting and benefiting from communication and information technologies,
and consumerism, has changed and sometimes destroyed some of the values, traditions, and
dominant lifestyles of ethnicity, and increased the gap between national and ethnic identity.
Innovation has evolved the ethnicity perception about its present condition through soft
power, comparability of tribes, and making the gap between ethnicity and nation and has
increased ethnic stress.
According to Gündüz (2017), virtual space is a place of expressing the users’ political
and social demands. Users not only use this space for a hobby, but also represent the realities
by expressing reality, sharing life stories, events, and profiles regularly and interactively. In
addition, people express their emotions, thoughts, ideas, and their activity, and presence in
this space influences the change and obstruction of users’ identity.
Boháč (2010) studied the role of servers and web pages all over the world for
increasing stress and fight about the ethnic identity of the Assyrians by referring to the ethnic
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),126 - 142
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
identity of the Assyrians. In addition, he believes that Assyrians, who had to travel in the past
due to ethnic conflict and tensions in the Middle East and tolerated many problems, can today
use the virtual space and satellite channels for ethnic integration, representation, and survival
of Assyrian ethnicity of Kurdistan, Turkey, and the Middle East.
According to Conversi (2010), modernization of communities and globalization
indirectly increased the stress and fight of ethics, globalization, and Americans after
encouraging individuals to nationalism and patriotism. Cultures globalization deformed and
intensified the ethnic fights and the caused capitalism growth by globalization and led to
cultural poverty and tempting people for ethnicity. Modernity increased the identity crisis and
reduced the ethnic belonging using the cultural tool, advertising the western lifestyle (being
Hollywood), and its symbols as an utopia.
Results of Foller research (2009) show that globalization in Amazon is a process that
was started by colonial intervention in the Amazon, damaged living conditions, made
inevitable human and natural disasters, and took the selection power from a lifestyle of
Amazon tribes. Amazonian youth who moved to the cities forgot their language, surname, and
cultural manifestations which connected them to their ancestors. According to his idea, ethnic
survival in the modern world is possible if they recognize the innate dignity ethnicity. In
addition, the tribes' difference seems as their power, and tribes can use the technological tools
to transfer their traditional thought and knowledge by increasing knowledge, and use the free
space to get rid of limitation instead of melting in the global culture.
According to Boyd (2001), modernity influences the cultural evolutions by
rationalism, critical thinking, and emphasis on global facts. Modernity challenges people's
identity through the globalization and communicative tools and increases self-awareness and
ethnic tendencies, and freedom from the compulsory identity. Modernity increases
individualism from one hand and has led to the awakening and demand of ethnicity and the
strengthening of ethnic identity, especially from a political point of view on another hand by
increasing people's awareness and knowledge about the relative deprivation, injustice, and
compulsory oppression on ethnic identity.
Theoretical bases
Modernity includes cultural resources, modern socialization, modern identity
elements, group-relationship structure, and modern lifestyle. Scholars introduced the rise of
capitalism and technology, the rise of liberalism and individualism through the creation of the
social contract, materialism, rationalism, egalitarianism, and sentimentality as the modernity
characteristics (Rudposhti et al., 2014: 3).
Based on Robert G. Dunni idea, identity sustainability in the modern era is influenced
by eclectic consumerism, growth of talents, selections, different lifestyles, immigration,
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),126 - 142
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
transnational capital, communication technology, cultural exports, democracy, social
movements, changing class arrangements, and changing the authority and full authority of
traditional identities (Dunn, 2005). According to his idea, modernity has flourished
individualism and human freedom in addition to creating the potential condition. In addition,
it was the supporter of any type of individualism ideology which was neither adapted with its
ideological beliefs nor its proposed constructivist theories about education and social control
(Dunn, 2006). According to Hall (2004), modernity is similar to the national government that
wants to integrate the culture and imposes its cultural homogeneity with the other
communities. However, various communities and people don’t leave their identity elements
easily and even show their local cultures by media to the cultures of other communities
because they have specific interest in their identity resources (national and global cross-
cultural exchanges). Interest in ethnic identity and use of social networks (virtual space)
influences the ethnic attitude of users, and this space is for representation and revives the
hidden part of ethnic and local identity for the political awakening of ethnic identity (Hass,
2004). Harvey starts the globalization theory by disrupting the traditional order of space and
time and believes that gap is formed in the traditional and modern eras by changing the nature
of space and time, and the globalization process is considered as the main factor of cultural
specialism. It has changed the identification process in the present world by changing the
traditional conditions and framework of identification, weakening, and damaging the
traditional resources and factors of identity.
Based on Carl Deutsch’s idea, intensification of the modernity process and
globalization has led to the incremental changes in personal and social life and evolved the
attitudes, expectations, and wills of people in various groups. Modernity characteristics such
as education increase, political participation, literacy, and urbanization change the traditional
communities (ethnic identity). The innovation process influences the socialization process,
and the socialization process as well as forms the political behaviors and attitudes. In addition,
political mobilization in this period is based on urban and collective identity that damages the
old loyalty and gradual deterioration of traditional values (Vaghari, 2019: 235).
Anthony Giddens knows modernity as the most pervasive reality of this era and a
promising opportunity for humans, a factor of dangers for humans. According to his idea,
modernity is a double-edged sword that makes modern social institutions evolved and its
global development, greater opportunities, and conditions for a human to use a reliable,
healthy, and safe life. However, modernity changed people's identity through the development
of urbanization, change of selections, emphasis on rationalism, industrialization, progress in
communication, and information technology on the other hand and made many dangerous
phenomena (Daryapour 2001).
According to Giddens, one of the most important characteristics of modernity is
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),126 - 142
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
people’s decisions to be empty of divine and traditional backing. Instead, their decisions
should be rational, secular, and in light of modern information and knowledge. This is the
exact forming substance of the main core of rethinking modernization. In this regard, personal
identity in the modern era is a frequently worked phenomenon by people. It means humans
are constantly creating and correcting their identities and constantly reviewing who they are
and how they have become (Giddens, 2005). The globalization of information and
communication technologies has made people in different places aware of lifestyles, values,
and behavioral norms of other regions of the world. This matter can change or reinforce the
lifestyles, values, and norms (Giddens, 1998). Modernity is radically changing the quality of
the daily lives and influencing the most private experiences. Modernity deeply penetrates
people's emotions and identity’s heart, and personal identity is influenced by the social
conditions of the modern world. In addition, the global culture let cultures know themselves
and reinforce their local self-consciousness, tend to the coexistence of culture, the use of the
heritage of civilization, and world culture. In this regard, rationalism is directed toward the
teachings of global strength, local consciousness, and the expression of think global and act
Regarding Waters, modern space and globalization are a social process where people
get free of geographical constraints on social and cultural relationships, and they increase
people's consciousness. According to his idea, three main characteristics of the capitalistic
system are industrialization, rationalization of characteristics, and lifestyle. In addition,
desecration, rationalization, materialism, increasing interactions, and expanding the scope of
communication are the main principles of modern life. Moreover, people are constantly
connecting with many people (strangers) through global tools (such as virtual social
networks). However, the expansion of modernity is in a way that parts of human life get
meaning in the global frame (globalization). Alternatively, value systems (culture), economic
transactions system (materialism), and political systems (emphasis on values such as freedom,
democracy, and human rights) have been evolved in this space (Waters, 2000). The
consumer’s governance has moved various institutes, governments, and communities toward
symbolic cultures and signs. McDonald's, denim clothing, pop music, etc. are cultural
symbols that impose consumer domination on different communities and make a kind of
homogeneity between different communities. Of course, this homogeneity is mixed with the
differences and leads to human cultural unity and form. In other words, modernity tools and
globalization miniaturize the world (space and place removal), individualism (increasing
interactions without selection border and range), homogeneity (homogeneity of consumption
taste), and globalization (the possibility of using any tribes and group of technologies). These
technologies (virtual social networks) make it possible for people to stay in the waves of
values and symbols. They introduce varied cultures to people, and people find their values
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),126 - 142
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
and identities from this path. In addition, humans expose themselves against various cultures
According to his idea, modernity and an increasing range of cultural communications
don’t remove and homogenize cultures but change identity elements easily and as a result
lifestyle and consumption taste based on the policies of the community. In addition,
deficiencies and shortcomings of the government from one hand, and global tools, increasing
communications, immigrations, ethnic fields (fading religious values), the world shortage, and
emphasis of modernity on the thoughts, and freedom changed the political part of ethnic
identity and identity-seeking.
The methodology is quantitative-surveying. The statistical population of this research
includes all students of Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch that was 35.126 people
according to the public relations report of the university. 384 students were selected as a
sample volume by the Cochran formula, and the sampling method is non-probability random
sampling. The research tool is a questionnaire (the researcher-made questionnaire), and an
analysis unit is at the micro-level. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were
confirmed by the scholar professors in the final questionnaire. The indexes have face validity.
The validity of the main indexes of research was confirmed by the internal reliability method,
and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient technic was used that was higher than 70% and acceptable.
According to the descriptive findings
According to the descriptive results, the mean of half participants using social
networks 1-2 h per day, the maximum use was 8 h, and the minimum use was 1 h per day and
night. Instagram application is the most used and popular application among users based on
87.2% of participants views. Users use the virtual space mostly to contact with friends,
relatives, and hobby, share their real ideas, and social, economic, and political demands.
Based on Table 1 and mean values of variables, about half of participants use virtual space in
a medium level for fundamental values of modernity, belief in gender equality, religious
equality, belief in the naturalness of cultural and social change and belief in democracy,
political participation, human rights, individualism, materialism, rationalism a tendency to
western societies, imaging themselves as a world (modern identity), accepting global norms
and values and emphasizing political participation, political knowledge and political attitudes
(modern socialization), a desire to emulate the western style of dress and makeup,
consumerism and theatrical consumption, luxury-orientation, interest in having a unique look
and desire for web browsing, use of virtual networks, street strolling, shopping malls, going to
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),126 - 142
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
a coffee shop, relaxing and going to luxurious sports and leisure centers to earn prestige, and
sedentary and theatrical life (modern lifestyle). However, people's interest in the use of
western cultural products, interests, and belonging to the ethnic identity is high.
Table 1
Distribution percentage of participants based on tendency to the ethnic identity and
modernity elements
St. dev
identity and
its aspects
Social identity
Political identity
Cultural and historical identity
Ethnic identity
identity and
its aspects
Cognitive aspect
Social aspect
Western attitude
Modern identity
lifestyle and
its aspects
Theatrical consumption
appearance management
Leisure style
Cultural consumption
Modern lifestyle
and its
Cultural socialization
Political socialization
Modern socialization
First hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between modern socialization and
ethnic identity (r=-0.40) based on the Pearson test. In other words, the participants’ interest
and tendency to the ethnic identity reduce by increasing their tendency to the global norms
and values, individualism political attitude, and global logic (modern socialization).
Furthermore, the maximum effect is on the political socialization (r=-0.61).
Second hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between the purposeful use of
social networks and a sense of belonging and tendency to the ethnic identity. In other words,
activity and content production in the virtual space in the ethnic field and interaction with
tribes for the ethnic demands and awareness reinforces the ethnic identity.
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),126 - 142
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
Table 2
Pearson test between the modern socialization and ethnic identity
The purposeful
usage of virtual
Third hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between modern identity and
ethnic identity (r=-0.74). In other words, the participants’ tendency to the ethnic identity
reduces by increasing their tendency to the modern identity (accepting the modernity elements
of equality, legitimacy, denial of religious and family values, western human rights,
individualism, the tendency to the globalization, and western attitudes). On the other hand, the
participants; interest and belonging to their ethnicity increases by increase the global
Table 3
Pearson test between the modern identity and ethnic identity
Fourth hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between ethnic identity and
modern lifestyle (-0.66). In other words, the participants’ interest and tendency to the ethnic
identity reduce by increasing their tendency to the modern lifestyle (consumerism, the
tendency to the theatrical consumption, luxury-orientation, body management, the tendency to
the sedentary life, the use of western cultural products). In addition, the maximum effect was
for appearance management.
Table 4
Pearson test between the modern lifestyle and ethnic identity
Discussion and conclusion
Modernity means rationalism and attempts to make everything rational, breaking
social habits, and traditional beliefs by passing values, senses, and beliefs; in one word, the
materialized and intellectual methods of an old life. Modernity is an intellectual approach and
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),126 - 142
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
responsible for a specific level (Ahmadi, 1998: 11). Based on the results of research,
modernity weakens the ethnic identity by an emphasis on the values of rationalism,
materialism, individualism, westernism, globalization, the denial of modernism, giving
priority to legal norms, political knowledge instead of traditional values, following the global
patterns, individual utilitarianism (modern socialization), promotion of theatrical and
luxurious life, attention to appearance, consumerism, and tending to a comfortable and
sedentary life (modern lifestyle). Furthermore, there is a significant relationship between
modern socialization and tendency to the ethnic identity of participants that are in agreement
with the results of Rezaei, Amenluei, and Dilmaghani (2018), Nuroddin and Zahedi (2015),
Shafieinia (2015), and Tavasoli and Adhami (2012) research. According to Rezaei, Amenluei,
and Dilmaghani (2018) research, the development of communications, promotion of virtual
space, and modernity changed ethnicity such as intensification of ethnicity, excessive ethnic
identification, the fragility of the nation- government pattern, the gap in the national identity,
generalization of gaps, social and ethnic divisions, reverse movement from society to
socialization, imposing unequal cultural relations, and increasing surplus value in cultural
exchanges. Moreover, Nuroddin and Zahedi (2015) believe that modernity tools weaken the
ethnic identity by advertising modern lifestyle, injecting the western and individualism values,
emphasis on freedom, personal independence, and individualistic benefits. Shafieinia (2015)
also believes modernity influences on Kurdish tribe by changing the attitudes and values
toward ethnic identity, emphasis on the political aspect, and seeking ethnic supremacy which
only reassembles Kurds and doesn’t reinforce the ethnic identity. Of course, according to
Keyhan et al. (2019), Beheshti and Haghmoradi (2017), Gündüz (2017), Boháč (2010), and
Namdari (2018), the purposeful use of the global tool (virtual social networks) reinforce the
ethnic identity.
According to Namdari (2018), following and membership in the mutual virtual social
networks and content production according to the ethnic elements and values of the Lak tribe
integrate them in this space. Based on Conversi (2010), modernity is like a catalyst that both
reinforce ethnicity and national and ethnic mobilizations. Globalization reduces inter-ethnic
relationships and involvement and increases dissatisfaction of lifestyle using cultural tools
such as movies and TV channels (satellite), advertising consumerism, American symbols,
western lifestyle, internet, increasing interactions, introducing American lifestyle (becoming
Hollywood), and its symbols as a utopia. If the ethnicities can raise their children based on
their ethnic traditions and values and live along with national security, they use the global
tools to advertise and unify tribes and justice-seeking. Otherwise, they will be eliminated from
the global culture and ethnic conflicts will lead to genocide.
Other results of this research are about the relationship between modern lifestyle and
belonging to the ethnic identity which is in agreement with the results of Nuroddin and Zahedi
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),126 - 142
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
(2015), Nassaj (2008), Boyd (2001), and Foller (2009) research. According to Boyd (2001),
modernity changes and makes people’s diversityism, and tendency to show off and live in
multicultural metropolises. In addition, they have directed a similar and homogeneous life to
the colorful and modern life including the western lifestyle.
According to the findings of Alipour et al. (2016), Yuki (2015), Khajenuri et al.
(2013), Ansari et al. (2014), and Bagheri et al. (2012) research, people ethnic identity is
weakened by their tendency to the global and modern identity. According to Ansari et al.
(2014) idea, globalization threatens the human values systems of ethnics and nations by the
value and dominant political system, which is in a conflict of the human dignity, cultural
freedoms, symbolic systems of social identities, and ethnic groups in the value system. These
form the extremist religious fundamentalist movements and various identities and threaten the
ethnic identity. Furthermore, Alipour et al. (2016) believe that modernity and globalization
weaken the ethnic identity by stimulating Kurdish political emotions, magnifying events,
injecting western patterns and values, individualism, rationalism, and attracting young people
to use western products, modern, and western identity. According to Giddenss idea,
modernity is both a reinforcing and weakening factor of ethnic identities. The global culture
makes the cultures know themselves, reinforce local self-consciousness, coexist with the
culture, and use civilization heritages, and the global culture using the modernity tools. In
addition, they turn to the teachings of global strength, local consciousness, and the expression
of think global and act locally based on rationality”. Meanwhile, a part of ethnic identity
may be weakened or eliminated, and modernity and its elements can attract ethnicities in the
global ethnicity in case of a reduction of personal belonging to the ethnicity.
Based on Hall (2004), globalization of communication and relationship technologies
has made people in various regions be aware of the lifestyles, values, and behavioral norms of
the other regions of the world. This matter can lead to the evolution of lifestyles, values, and
norms. These technologies are the main factor in providing global culture, and cultural
relativity. The cultural globalization increases the importance of regionalism, nationalism,
ethnicism, decentralization, and assignment of authority.
The dominant democratic space on social networks has softened or marginalized the
ideas of extremist groups. The most important opportunities of social networks in the ethnic
field are providing inter-ethnic interaction and discussion and the possibility of mutual
recognition and understanding of cultural differences. Virtual networks are a proper
opportunity to reflect the culture, propose ethnic demands, increase the power and possibility
of ethnic mobilization, create content in ethnic language, and promote ethnic symbols, ethnic
demand, and so on. These opportunities can be used to protect and globalize the ethnic
identity by social activities (introducing and celebrating ethnic celebrities, environmental
concerns, and social issues), and cultural and historical activities (publication of literature and
Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),126 - 142
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)
ethnic epics through storytelling, poetry, and rituals (foods, local clothing, local songs, etc.))
instead of absorbing in their target and global identity along with the global values and
emphasis on the political values. Users often join ethnic groups and political movements to
exchange information and represent the ethnic culture and believe that virtual spaces are the
opportunity of expressing and reflecting deprivations, successes, arts, concerns, and are a
factor of promoting the sense of empathy of so-ethnics. Replacing cultural coexistence with
the globalization of culture can remove the false performances of culture globalization such as
internal disunity, the extreme tendency to western culture, reduction of trust in national
governments, and a sense of relative deprivation among minorities, ethnicities, and Muslim
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Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios
2020: 10(1),126 - 142
ISSN 2312-4253(impresa)
ISSN 2078-4015(en línea)